Awais Poetry

I Know I'll Love Again

I Know I'll Love Again

How do you repair a heart that's broken?
How do you heal the wounds?
How do you ever trust another?
How do you love so soon?

You left me asking these questions,
You left me alone to wonder.
How could I know you'd leave me,
And break the spell I'm under?

We had a love like fairy tales-
Prince Charming on one knee.
I thought I was your Cinderella,
But I was too blind to see.

The love you had came from another,
Someone I'm afraid to know.
So now I hide within myself,
So my pain-filled eyes won't show.

You've made it hard to trust another,
Making sure no paths are crossed.
Since you never knew what you had,
You'll never know now what you've lost!

My heart was all for giving,
But all you did was take.
I know one day I'll love again,
And learn from my mistakes.