Awais Poetry

Feelings From My Heart

Feelings From My Heart

Our time together has been oh so great;
It is you only, I want to embrace!
When I look into those gorgeous eyes;
I can see the love you feel inside!

You are the man I've always dreamed of;
Someone who deserves to feel my love!
You're the one, I want to hold me tight;
To kiss me each morning, and tell me goodnight!

Life is too short to bicker and fight;
Tonight could be, our very last night!
I'm here with you, no matter how rough the ride;
I promise you, I will be by your side.

We can be together for the rest of our lives;
As long as we let God be our guide!
He's brought us this far and worked things out;
My feelings for you, please never doubt!

I'll be your lover, I'll be your best friend;
As long as you let me, from now till the end!
This I tell you, from the bottom of my heart;