Awais Poetry

The world holds many treasures

The world holds many treasures
And I give them all to you
All of nature's beauty
Blooming just for you

I give to you the rainbows
With their colors oh so bold
When after a gentle rain
It shines for you like gold

I give to you the rivers
With their waters oh so clear
Crashing over boulders
Their river song for you to hear

I give to you the stars
That twinkle oh so bright
High above us in the sky
Shining for you in the night

I give to you the waterfalls
With their beauty oh so grand
Tumbling over mountains
Falling into your hand

I give to you the clouds
That are oh so grand to see
Gracefully floating in the sky
Making shapes for you to see

I give to you the flowers
With their fragrance oh so great
With their petals full of color
Blooming for you at full rate

I give to you the rain
With their drops as fine as dew
Cleansing the land it falls on
Shining the world just for you

So these are all the treasures
That I can give to you
To finish off my gift
I give my undying love too